Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mums, You Do You!

It's Sunday night and I am totally shattered so apologies if this post makes NO sense!

So I've been thinking a lot about how differently people 'parent'. When I was in hospital after having my little boy, the midwives really tried to encourage breastfeeding which is obviously the best option, but not actually possible for everyone!

I had a difficult birth which resulted in low iron levels and two blood transfusions. This delayed my milk. My boy was also in SCBU for three 3 days after they found a patch of pneumonia on his right lung!

I was still determined to breastfeed but it was exhausting! With my health issues, I just didn't produce enough milk to sustain a 10lbs 6 baby!

To cut a long story short ... it didn't work for either of us. I couldn't keep up and switched to formula but, as a first time mum, I was consumed with guilt! Looking back, I really don't know why! He's happy and thriving now! When I started him on formula, we were told to only give him 30ml every two hours, but let me tell you.. it wasn't near enough and he screamed constantly. Eventually, we just decided to let him have as much as he wanted! After that, our lives became easier.

I started weaning him at just over 4 months despite being told to wait until he's 6 months! He doesn't have food every day, just a little pureed apple or banana every now and then. I feel that he's more than ready for it but I'm sure some experts would disagree.

He's also in nursery once a week (which he LOVES!), but other mums have commented that they would never put their little ones in nursery this young....! Thanks (!) but I'm actually doing it so maybe one day I can become self-employed and work around him.

I've met mums who've breastfed for the best part of 3 years, have never spend a night or day apart from their babies, have given up their careers so they can stay at home with their children. These women are amazing, but what I'm trying to say is that you're not a bad mum if you can't breastfeed or have to put your child in daycare/nursery!

A lot of people are quick to share their opinion, but as long as your baby is LOVED, FED, and doing well... stuff them and do what's best for your family and mental wellbeing! As soon as I started doing that, everything became so much easier!

Ultimately, what I'm trying to say, is never compare yourself to others. You're unique and doing amazing!


Saturday, September 14, 2019

About Me

Hey, I'm Tara. Mama to a gorgeous 4 & a half month old, trainee hairdresser, fiancé, and aspiring YouTuber & business owner.

I love anything creative and hair and beauty related, but I also want to post about motherhood, travel and lifestyle.

I'm generally more active over at my vlog - so please check that out if you haven't already! :)

Tara xo